Extra photos from Peaks of the Balkans

BN Adventure in the Financial Times

There are extra photos from the trip in the Peaks of the Balkans of  Martin Fletcher and photographer Ken Space. They visited the Accused Mountains as guests of our company and they have written a wonderful account of their trip in the Financial Times. The article was published in full page in the wekend edition of the newspaper. 2 September 2017.

The story was accomponied with a video account of the trip, made and reviewed by Ken, who has also brougt to us a big number of wonderfull pictures. You can see the video in the FT facebook page. Click here

“With aching legs and bursting lungs, we staggered up the rocky tip of Mount Gjeravica, Kosovo’s highest mountain. It was worth the effort. From our 8,714 foot vantage point we surveyed some of the wildest, most majestic and least spoiled scenery left in Europe”

“This remote and mysterious mountain range, much of it accessible only by foot, offers more than beauty. It hosts shepherds and goatherds and ancient pastoral traditions that have yet to be destroyed by mechanisation. In its isolated villages, traces still survive of a centuries-old code of conduct that combines extremes of punishment and generosity”.

“For much of the 20th century, conflict and dictatorship kept outsiders away from the Accursed Mountains. Even today, few foreigners venture far into their hidden fastnesses. But that is changing. For the first time since the onset of the second world war, they are beginning to open up”, says the article, read full in FT.

We bring you more photos from the trip that Ken was kind to share with us.

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