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Maja e Rosit Rosin Vrh 2,533 m

Maja Rosit or Rosin Vrh is considered as the best peak to get a view in the Accursed Mountains. This peak is situated in Montenegro, however most of the ascents are done from Valbona through Fusha e Gjese. Balkan Natural Adventure offers the climb to this peak from both countries Albania and Montenegro. The company arranges all the neccessary documents for border crossing.

For Montenegro this is the third highest peak in the Accursed Mountains. Local community in Plav and around it have a special place for this peak, some have called their hotel Rosi.

The walk from Valbona to Maja Rosit or Rosin Vrh goes through the half deserted village of Kukaj. This part is very nice and easy track and in the midd summer you can stop at few village houses for a glass of milk or tea. The trail serpents through the canyon for several kilometres and it continues with a steep hike. Just before halfway the trail enters a rocky terrain. This part will also be the start of open views.

As you go higher the view will open to Montenegro until you reach the peak to get the view in all three countries: Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. Maja Rosit or Rosin Vrh from Albania can be combined with Maja e Thate.

Climbing Maja Rosit through Vusanje/Vuthaj

To climb Maja e Rosit from Montenegro is a bit more difficult technically. The trail will go next to the small river in Vuthaj/Vusanje and turn at Grlja toward south east to enter a woody path. It will continue through a rocky path. The path will go through two abandoned katun, or summer villages used for pastures.

Climbing this peak from this side the views will open later as there is less hike in the crust of the mountain. However the peak is always the same. However it would be difficult to combine this peak with Maja e Thate from Montenegro. Balkan Natural Adventure can take care or your luggage and border permits.

From Valbona
Distance: 19.7
Ascending.Descending: 1,891 Including Maja e Thate
Price Euro 30 for a group of 4From Montenegro:
Distance 20.48 km
Ascending/Descending 1,616 m
Price Euro 30 for a group of 4

From Montenegro:
Distance 20.48 km
Ascending/Descending 1,616 m
Price Euro 30 for a group of 4

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