Marsela from Albanian highlands

Marsela our Peaks of the Balkans guide is from Tirana, not born there but raised there next to the mountain of Dajti. Her roots go deep in the mountains of Bajram Curri next to the Valbona Valley. Villages in tops of the mountains often habited by catholics who run at the mountains to save their venetian inherited Roman Catholic religion religion from the Ottoman rulers.
She is one of the guides working with Balkan Natural Adventure, in the Peaks of the Balkans Tours.
Her roots have drown her back to the mountain to experience freedom as she says. “I like guiding it offers me freedom its a job that offers me more pleasure than work”, she says.
In her early youth Marsela was an active athlete. She broke and still holds a national record for young in 200 meters. While being sportive the tour agencies have spotted her talent so she was involved in guiding from her very early youth running bike and hike tours.
She took her passion for the mountains also in places very far from Albania, she hiked and guided tours in Tanzania, Trento Italy, Spain and Turkey. She is our most international guide.
With her physical shape an easy character Marsela is a leader and a friend to our clients. For us at BNA it is always a pleasure to have a professional female guide in the team. If nothing they are the bravest.

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