A guide who chose mountains against engineering

A strong man with personality and advanced social skills make Fidan an excellent mountain guide for Peaks of the Balkans, part of Balkan Natural Adventure team. Fidan join our team as part of a programme financed by Swiss Government aiming at increasing the number of guides in the accursed mountains. The Swiss and the project PPSE have been a strong partner to tourism in Kosovo.

Fidan has passed through both theoretical and practical trainings, including, first aid, orientation and trouble shooting in outdoor environment. He started by assisting a group that hiked Peaks of the Balkans being an invaluable asset to the team. Soon after the initial training, Fidan’s previous experience in mountaineering and his social skills enable him to lead groups by himself. Independently he has worked with numerous satisfied clients climbing mountains in Kosovo.

Previous experience

Fidan is a graduate on Faculty of Mechanical and Computer Engineering at the University of Mitrovica. He has also worked as a trainer for Umcor, an international NGO. He has trained people in pace building and conflict management after getting his training in international programmes.

Fidan interacted with people from different backgrounds and ethnicities in sometimes tense political situation that are common in the Balkans. He comes from the mining town of Mitrovica and has been educated in engineering. However his passion for people has pushed his career elsewhere.  Fidan chose mountains not the tunnels and the digging.

He founded the mountaineering and climbing team in Mitrovica while creating new routs around the mountains in the North Kosovo. His team is growing as Kosovo is preparing to establish the Climbing Federation and compete internationally.

Balkan Natural Adventure is proud to have Fidan in the rooster of guides offering tours in the Accursed Mountains and other parts of Kosovo.

Fidan has already created experience while working with Balkan Natural Adventure and as an independent guide. For hiring fidan or for peaks of the balkans tours please contact us.

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