Hiking in Rugova Mountains

Hiking in Rugova Mountains is a must when you visit Kosovo. This valley is part of the Accursed Mountains and it includes the region around the riverbed of Lumbardhi i Pejes. These peaks, cliffs and fields — home of 12 villages — are mostly populated only during the summer. The most interesting hiking in Rugova is the Hajla peak 2405.  This peak also marks the border with Montenegro. This is a rocky mountain crest surrounded by woodlands and fields. It’s rich with flora and fauna. It is also used as an area for pastures for both sheep and cow. Other popular hiking trip is visiting the Lake Liqenat.

Other things to do when hiking in Rugova

Further north the Village of Boge is the most populated village and it hosts several hotels and guest houses. The village is overbuilt however in the winter there is a 1 kilometre ski lift which works also during the night. In-between Hajla and Boge is the village of Reka e Allages from where you can hike from guest house to guest house. This trail is also a part of the Peaks of the Balkans and Via Dinarica. You can hike from Mustafe to the next Guest house doing a one day trail of the Peaks of the Balkans. One can also sepend a weekend in the mountain and camp and climb Hajla

At the edge of Rugova mountains where the meet Albania and Montenegro two glacial lakes are hidden. This makes a very nice hike in Rugova which is also part of the two famous routs  and Via Dinarica. Click here for Liqunat Hike

The most spectacular part of Rugova stays the Rugova Gorge which is just next to the city of Peja where you can enjoy rock climbing, via ferrata or zip lining.

Balkan Natural Adventure organises different trips in these mountains starting from single day hikes to two days and more. Contact us for your trip. Tell us the length of your planned stay, size of the group and if you have your own vehicle. We will make something nice for you.

Check also: Wildlife tour Kosovo, Cool Peja nordic WalkingHiking in Kosovo

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